Technologies for Life Science

With an overall increase in attendance of 10% and a significant growth of foreign operators, the sixth edition of Pharmintech Exhibition - an event organized by BolognaFiere - has brought to light the excellence of supplies in the Life Science fiel

«The presence of 321 companies (115 from abroad, 36% of the total) and the great success in terms of visitors well express the quality of the project and contents of Pharmintech 2019, which brought to light the excellence of the supplies in Life Science area. Innovation, technology and research are the values at the base of the growth of the sector that permeated the aisles of the Bologna fair between 10 and 12 April, with the most advanced solutions for process, construction, instrumentation, packaging and system and supply chain management solutions, as well as digital and automation technologies applied to the sector, from the IoT - Internet of Things to data governance solutions». This is the statement by Antonio Bruzzone, President of Pharmintech Srl and General Manager of Bologna Fiere, who was echoed by the words of Sergio Dompé, President of Pharmintech Exhibition: «At this edition of Pharmintech, Italy presented itself with the recent result achieved at European level: our country has in fact earned the record as a pharmaceutical producer in Europe with a value of 44 billion euros, also considering the supplier industry, and 2.7 billion euros invested in production, research and development. The 2019 edition of Pharmintech represented a further stimulus to the entire world of life sciences to further increase its know-how and to reach the near future, in which this industry will have to accompany the profound transformation taking place in our society, enabling the improvement of the quality of life of the entire population».

Pharmintech Monitor
. A detailed overview of the international pharmaceutical market and industry, with particular attention to future developments, was reported in the Pharmintech Monitor (Pharmintech Exhibition Observatory developed with the collaboration of the UCIMA Study Center). A pool of experts and analysts has studied the reference markets for Life Science, offering privileged perspectives and points of observation, based on economic data, statistics and sector studies: from growth rates worldwide, to a more detailed look at the situation in key markets - in particular Europe and the United States.

With the collaboration of the Golinelli Foundation and G-Factor (the incubator / accelerator aimed at emerging businesses, inaugurated last February 25 in Bologna), Pharmintech 2019 hosted the 10 most promising start-ups selected by a team of scientists and business experts from among over 124 projects that participated in the Call for Ideas & Start-up First Edition 2018 Life Science Innovation. Among these, Pharmintech awarded the most interesting project on an industrial level, with the support of the event’s partners. The € 3,500 prize made available by Pharmintech in collaboration with the sponsors of the initiative, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, to invest in the development of the project, was won by RELIEF, a spin-off of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna iof Pisa, which has conceived and patented miniaturized devices with a magnetic type activation for the treatment of pathologies affecting the urinary system.


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