Open letter to those capable of making a practice out of bravery...

Humility, attention, respect. Three companies, Enrico Mattei and the global vision..


There you go again! 
Tonino, Giuliano, Sandro, Giordano ... once again you have lived up to all expectations.
Starting with the title of the meeting organized on 7th July in the Mole Vanvitelliana of Ancona; a title that I have used here as an opening and which, inspired by the presentation of your structured and detailed financial statements, indicates your determined approach in guiding your corporate, cultural and social policies, and that for the occasion comes with a reflection - which is why I refer to the figure of Mattei - on the need to regenerate the entrepreneurial culture in our country.
 “Three business stories for a moral economy”, writes Giulio Sapelli *; three entrepreneurs daring in their diversity, to my mind, on a par with Giuliano De Minicis, dmpconcept agency, great promoter and creator, as in the past, of an almost spiritual narrative.

  *Subtitle of the contribution of prof. Giulio Sapelli, shared by the 2017 Company Living Report Boxmarche Spa and the Integrated Reporting 2017 of Paradisi srl.

First of all I turn to you, Tonino Dominici, president of Boxmarche Spa (cardboard boxes and cases), who for 14 years has been persevering  in drafting your company’s social report, showing that “sustainability” is not a slogan good for making turnover.

But I also address you, Sandro Paradisi, president of Paradisi Srl (precision machining) who, after turning your company into a Benefit Corp, last year showed yourself capable of sharing ideas and intentions in search of a “dynamic balance”, source of creation of widespread value for your local area.

And again, I thank you Giordano Cantori, Ceo Cantori Srl (solutions for the metallic cladding of architectural facades), for rushing to join this team, with all the care of those who love what they do, and who have the courage to act and question themselves. The long and meticulous preparatory work in drafting your company’s code of ethics is an example.


Companies that are small in terms of size (together they don’t even total 40 million euros in turnover), yet well-managed as shown by the levels of profitability, heterogeneous in terms of areas of expertise, but above all great in terms of intuition, vision and capacity to propose.
Facts and not words as clearly evidenced by your project “Succisa Virescit”, which last year, collecting over 1.6 million euros of donations and commitments of its own, enabled the rebuilding of the school of Pieve Torina, a municipality destroyed by the terrible earthquake that in 2016 hit central Italy (for more information, ItaliaImballaggio 9/2017).
So, little talk and a hand on one’s conscience/heart: these are things of brave men!
We’ll return to the subject again. 
Bye for now.

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