Lavazza sees sales surge to €2.2 billion and donates €10 million

Lavazza reported consolidated sales of €2.2 billion in 2019 (+18% compared with the previous year), a result that is largely due to the integration of Lavazza Professional (the operation was closed at the end of 2018).
Exports accounted for 70% of turnover with double-digit growth recorded in North America (+15.2%), Northern Europe (+13%) and Eastern Europe (+23%), primarily Russia and Poland. EBITDA stood just above €290 million (+47%), while net profit amounted to €127.4 million (+45%).
In 2019, the group saw organic growth in all channels, particularly in the single serve (+5.2% in volume) and roast&ground (+3.8%) segments. Lavazza has also entered the fast-growing global ready-to-drink segment through a partnership with PepsiCo, enabling it to connect more effectively with young people and cater for new consumer habits with a premium, high-quality product.
Initially launched in the UK, Lavazza’s ready-to-drink line will also be introduced in other European countries in 2020. The projections for the current year are unclear.
“We’re taking proactive and concrete steps to deal with this unprecedented emergency, building on last year’s results and the group’s solid equity structure” said Lavazza CEO Antonio Baravalle, adding that the group has donated €10 million to projects supporting health, education and disadvantaged segments of the population.
Image credits: Lavazza