Antares Vision signs agreement with pharmaceutical group Recordati

Antares Vision,a multinational producer of visual inspection systems, track & trace systems and smart data management, has signed an agreement with international pharmaceutical group Recordati.
The agreement covers the supply of Level 3 (Production Facility) and Level 4 (Corporate) software for the sites in Italy (Milan), Spain (Utebo) and France (Saint Victor and Nanterre), enabling them to operate in full compliance with the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD, Directive 2011/62/EU), which came into effect on 9 February this year.
Specifically, the Milan-based group has equipped its production facilities with software solutions from the ATS (Antares Tracking System), a complete and flexible software suite for optimising management of Track & Trace operations from Level 1 to Level 4 and through to Level 5.
ATSFOUR, for example, allows for effective management of data exchange with the various national authorities and of communication between the various players in the supply chain.
Another integral part of the ATS system is the WTS (Warehouse Tracking System), a software solution designed to manage data flow and logistics of serialized products in distribution centres.