Call not to ban recyclable waste exports

European recyclers and waste management operators represented by the two organisations EuRIC (European Recycling Industries’ Federation) and FEAD (European Waste Management Association) have written to the European Commission and the European Parliament to stress the need to maintain free, fair and sustainable trade in raw materials from recycling when revising the Waste Shipment Regulation.
The Commission is working on a revision of Regulation 1013/2006 (Waste Shipment Regulation, WSR) which is expected to be completed by mid-November, after which it will be submitted to the European Council and Parliament for their opinions.
EuRIC’s appeal has been signed by almost 300 associations and companies operating in the European waste recycling industry, including the Italian association FISE Unicircular and its members ASSORAEE (technological waste), ADA (vehicles) and UNIRIGOM (rubber). In Italy, FEAD represents the operators affiliated with FISE Assoambiente.
In particular, the two Federations have expressed their strong concerns about the introduction of potential restrictions on waste exports both within and outside the EU without making any distinction regarding the nature and type of waste, as this would risk pushing down the prices of recycled products and further encouraging the use of virgin raw materials.