Packmedia Selection 1/2020

In this issue:
interpack 2021, Anuga Foodtec, Meat-Teach 2021 • Oscar it is! The 42 finalists of the Best Packaging 2020 contest. • NextFilm™: biodegradable and compostable (Ticinoplast) • New standards in stretch film production for PCR material • The sustainable food delivery revolution (Contital) • A monodose that surprises by Valmatic • An embossable BOPP film (Innovia Films) •The cold embrace of the sleeve (Luxoro) • A bottle that speaks of origins (San Benedetto) • “Futura”: a ribbon for sustainable cosmetics (NastriTex) • Sun Chemical - Printing inks and compostable packaging • ITP - The PackRevolution Brand • Luxury packaging: a concept in the making