Giorgia Marra

Giorgia Marra creates special and unique handmade articles. The Creations By Giorgia brand, set up in 2010, stands out immediately for its jewelry line inspired by the natural beauty of Marra’s homeland, Calabria, returning to the traditions of the past re-worked in a modern light.
For the first collection “Agave Art” (2012) she uses the fiber of a plant of American origin but well rooted in Calabria: the agave.
In the past used by shepherds to sew ropes, baskets, carpets and other artifacts, the sisal fiber extracted from the leaves of this plant is arousing considerable interest in various fields, by virtue of its environmental sustainability, which is why it is gradually replacing some plastics and fiberglass in the automotive, aeronautics and construction industries.

Marra uses it in her artistic jewelry because it is extremely versatile, totally biodegradable and extremely sturdy. The fibers’ neutral color makes her jewelry beautifully unique.
Giorgia Marra’s artistic quality and her project have won a lot of acclaim: in 2013 a TV show on “Buongiorno Regione” (Rai 3) made “Agave Art” known to the general public; she has created “La stella della Sila”, a jewel expressly dedicated to the Sila territory, assembled with the pine cones of autochthonous pines, which became the protagonist of several fashion shows.

A word from the artist. Art is a form of communication, as well as a creative act, both free and liberating, which allows us to express ourselves. The artist is the creator of an original vision that is transformed into an “object”: the fruition of the work leads to a moment of enjoyment of beauty. The art thus conceived is pure aesthetic experience, experimentation of innovative materials that respect nature, where research and humanistic and environmentalist vocation leads to the ennoblement of even the poorest material through the combination of different colors, objects and techniques.
To contemplate natural forms, to exalt an ideal of pure beauty, to protect the complex harmony between man and Creation and to give voice to the works of humankind’s desire for redemption and to that of the technical and artistic world of doing and creating, which once took pride of place in Italy: this the mission of the jewels of Creations By Giorgia.