A good start

Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini

I have made up my mind. I will let others speak for me: a lot has already been said, and well said. In the words that follow, there is a lot of what lies within me. Paradoxical the fact that - befitting to a common asset - it has been hard to attribute the writing  to a given author (even if it draws its inspiration from the poetry of Walt Whitman).

 All the same, they are words capable of guiding us towards the reasons of a future, however improbable and out of focus this may appear. Good precepts, in no way easy to put into practise, but that as Life suggests, we may only neglect and overlook at our peril.

«Do not allow the day to end without having grown at least a little,
without having experienced happiness, without having extended your dreams.
Do not be overcome by grief.
Let noone deprive you of the right to express yourself,
something that is almost a duty.
Do not forgo on doing something extraordinary with your life.
Do not cease believing that words and poetry can change the world.
Whatever might happen, our essence is intact,
we are beings full of passion.
Life is desert and oasis: it disheartens us, it wounds us, it teaches us,
It turns us into the protagonists of our own story.
Even though the headwinds are strong, the great, powerful work continues:
You may add a verse to this great work.
Never cease dreaming, because in his dreams man is free.
Do not fall into the worst of mistakes: silence.
The majority live in a dreadful silence:
do not resign yourself, flee.
“I cry out over the roofs of this world”,
the poet utters.
Appreciate the beauty of simple things.
You can write beautiful poetry about small things,
but we cannot row against ourselves: this turns life into hell.
Enjoy the panic that rises up within  by having life before you.
Live life intensely, without mediocrity.
Consider that the future lies within you and face the task with pride and without fear.
Learn from those who can teach you: from the experience of those who have preceded us, from our “dead poets”, they support us on our way through life.
We are the society of today, the “live poets.”
Do not allow your life to pass without you having lived it».

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