Let's not waste time: let's talk about!

Unusual and full of uncertainties, the times we are all experiencing, and with us our families, our friends, our companies. And yet, we already need to look ahead, perhaps with a baggage of convictions and awarenesses different from the time "before".

Luciana Guidotti

Leaving the experts the task of reasoning on the emotional, social and economic consequences of an emergency like the one we are experiencing first hand, those who do B2B communication have to carry on correctly fulfilling their task: collecting and distributing information by relating supply and demand, facilitating the exchange of knowhow and skills so that the optimism of knowledge never fails.
Those who, in particular, live from and with packaging - materials manufacturers, machine manufacturers, end users as they may be - this year have to deal with the suspension or postponement of some trade fair events of global importance.
Eagerly awaited for carefully prepared engagements, precious opportunities to launch products and technologies that testify to the fruit of investments and research, essential moments of coming together to start new partnerships or to consolidate old ties.
Hence so as not to disperse the efforts made by everyone so far, and to tell about beautiful technological proposals that should not be kept in the drawer while waiting for better times (that will come!), we have opened two new "windows" on the world of packaging on our means of communication.
A world that continues to work and produce in the general interest, in spite of the many contrary voices  that, in recent years, have highlighted its critical issues and overshadowed the characteristics that make it, instead, the guardian of our health and of safety in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics fields ...
These are the two "Waiting for ..." spaces dedicated respectively to the next edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide - Cosmopack in Bologna (3-6 September 2020) and, of course, to the German event interpack, postponed to next year (25 February - 3 March 2021).
Spaces that will take shape over the next few days, thanks to the information that we will gradually publish and "relaunch" on our newsletters (of which we will increase the frequency) and our social profiles, to reach as many users as possible, thus amplifying the impact of the communication.

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