The right moment
Image credits: Grigur, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It appears that everything can be traced back to a primordial error: “God scooped up some mud, spat on it and Adam was born. And Adam, drying his face, said: “We’re off to a good start!” (1)
Time has marched on since then and for once things have turned out differently, for us at least.
For years we have been pondering how to combine physical, analogue reality with an increasingly digital world in which we learn and acquire knowledge in very different ways to the past.
Well aware that nothing is perfect apart from our intentions, we have never resigned ourselves to a preordained destiny, instead choosing to chase after missed opportunities and seize the chances that come our way, relishing the challenge.
Certain actions need to be performed straight away, without delay or hesitation.

The publishing house Kairos Media Group was founded in January 2023, combining the publishing operations of Pack-Media (Ucima) and Tile Edizioni (Acimac).
This marks a further step forward in the process of operational and strategic integration between the Italian Automated Packaging Machinery Manufacturers’ Association and the Italian Ceramic Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, which however maintain their separate identities. The two associations have been sharing their headquarters, organisation and services for years with the aim of improving their efficiency, presence, provision of services and political representation.
This network of associations, which since 2020 also includes Amaplast (Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Mould Manufacturers’ Association), represents 1,170 companies employing 57,500 people and generating revenues of €14.2 billion, equivalent to 38.8% of the entire Italian capital goods industry and 2.8% of Italy’s 2022 GDP of €1,882 billion.
Drawing inspiration from the meanings and connotations of the word KAIROS (Καιρός - with the accent on the “o”), which for the ancient Greeks symbolised the right moment, the point at which something special happens, we decided to reinvent aspects of the New in order to preserve what was good in the Old, namely beauty, life, spirit, reason and humanitas.
With a degree of awareness and knowledge of reality, the courage to make choices and - why not? - a sprinkling of good intentions, we plan to continue to operate and prosper not just following the rules but with dignity and awareness of our duties and the rights of others.
The starting point of course is ItaliaImballaggio, Packbook and the websites,, and
And as the voice of business organisations, the publishing house Kairos Media Group will be attentive never to succumb to the pursuit of fleeting and egoistical self-interest...
To conclude, I would like to recall the words of Italo Calvino:
“After the dream they set out in search of that city; they never found it, but they found one another; they decided to build a city like the one in their dream.”
(1) Giobbe Covatta