An awarded bio-based chocolate bar wrapper

Leading, customer-focused supplier of specialized and multi-purpose film solutions to a global market place, Taghleef Industries presents at Interpack 2017 a wide range of BoPP, BoPLA and CPP films developed for the packaging of food and non-food products, labels, industrial and graphic arts applications.

At the press event at Interpack 2017 (Hall 9, Stand A21) a special highlight will be the innovative bio-based chocolate bar wrapper, based on Taghleef’s NATIVIA® NESS biodegradable film and developed through an intensive, 4-year long collaboration between Mars, Rodenburg Biopolymers, Taghleef Industries and Mondi.

This innovative packaging solution was announced winner of the 11th Global Bioplastics Awards in December 2016. Mars, along with Taghleef and its partners, will make a brief presentation during the press conference to further explain this exciting project.

The Taghleef press event is also a chance to learn more about the Taghleef Industries’ diverse brand portfolio of films, meet the Product Managers, and enjoy some refreshments in an inviting atmosphere.

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