B&R controls 10,000 COMAU robots

B&R e and COMAU celebrate a partnership with major prospects for the future. Indeed, the companies can already boast ten thousand units installed and controlled using B&R technology.

Thanks to their dedication in recent years, COMAU and B&R have managed to revolutionize the integration of robotics into production lines. OEMs and end users now benefit from excellent synchronization and high production capacity, the results of the two leaders’ combined offer on the automation market.

«This is the concrete result of an intense collaboration that has allowed both companies to become key players in the market, with the aim to continuously improve in technologies and grow in new market sectors» says Tobias Daniel, Head of Robotics Europe and Americas at COMAU.

«We are pleased to say that this cooperation is yielding tangible results on a growing market» says Walter Burgstaller, B&R’s European sales director. «More and more companies are looking to robotics as a means to optimize production and respond to the ever increasing flexibility and complexity of their plants».

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