Mobile robots in the pharmaceutical field

Omron Electronics will be at Pharmintech 2016 with a demonstration corner in “The Workroom Thinking the future!”, constituting a reflection on the potential prospects of the new pharmaceutical supply chain , offered by the combination of new technologies in support of the changes underway (serialization , traceability, management of the cold chain).

Inside the Workroom, open to all visitors and exhibitors at Pharmintech and Cosmofarma, Omron will be presenting an innovative mobile automation solution: these comprise the so-called “collaborative robots”, able to move in total autonomy amidst people and objects and in any space, performing the loading/unloading of materials, the optimization of logistics and goods handling operations (the demonstration will be staged along the “white route”).
The application of these robots in the pharmaceutical field will be outlined in a speech by engineer Marco Mina (April 14, h 11.00 a.m., in the dedicated conference room).

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