Origami style, finished and with a pop soul

The magic of optical illusion offers new 3D effects. Luxoro explores the frontiers of creative design and finishing, proposing a packaging capable of surprising, with interconnected geometries that gradually take on different forms.  Luciana Guidotti


The idea has been in the air for a long time and Luxoro Srl (which distributes the materials and solutions of the Gruppo Kurz in Italy) has made the most of the precious opportunity offered by Spatial FX - an exclusive proposal for finishing recently developed by the German company – to start off a new project.

Product TRUSTCONCEPT® line, Spatial FX is a unique technique, enabling the creation of three-dimensional effects through optical illusion, combining creativity and printing technology.
In practice, the graphics takes shape and give life to the surface: a printing solution with a spectacular visual impact, thanks to a new, cutting-edge, customisable holographic effect.
Luxoro has therefore entrusted Pourquais Pas Lab paper designer Francesca Meana with the task of translating ... the potential of Spatial FX technology into packaging.


From the idea to the case
With stubborn resolve Francesca has managed to turn her passion into a profession - born out of the osmosis that took place between the walls of the papermaking company Pusterla 1880, the family business she grew up in - which is that of creating stories of all kinds through paper and packaging.
Hence, having accepted the challenge made by Luxoro, she put all her skills and knowledge into combining Spatial FX technology, colors and shades, proposing a set of shapes and geometries that were turned into a small case, one of a kind, presented and premiered at the Luxe Pack 2018 in Monaco.
The designer has therefore combined an “origami style” graphics with a reference to dry relief: the design of paper folds and color gradations are the perfect intuition to enhance the illusion of three-dimensionality (the print actually appears to emerge from the surface), a specific feature of Kurz’s patented technology.
The added touch of color also highlights the eclectic nature of the pseudo-plastic character of TRUSTSEAL® SFX, capable of creating surprising spatial effects, that Francesca has interpreted at its best, giving life to a pop design that captivates both the eye and the mind.

Knowledge container
One needs the perfect combination of graphics and technology to create an optimal visual packaging that is both authentic and original: the small “jewel” brought to Luxe Pack is the clear proof of the validity of  Luxoro’s industrial and design development, in which Pusterla 1880 has also played a significant role as a packaging manufacturer.  The packaging finished with Kurz’s Spatial FX is in fact a sensory experience right across the board: it imbues sector operators with sense of freedom in venturing on never hitherto explored paths and strikes the consumers’ imagination offering unexpected effects.

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