Time Capsules

No, it is not the title of a science fiction tale. Indeed, it is the prelude to a true story - that of Capsulit - long and awe-inspiring, made up of research, innovation and attention to the pharmaceutical market, for which, for 70 years, it has been producing closure systems under the banner of safety.

Al centro, Marco Rizzardi (Presidente e CEO); a sinistra,  l’export director Alessandro Vavalà e a destra il sales director Gianluca Rossi.

Of the original manufacturer of capping machines (it was immediately after the war, more precisely in 1949, when three friends decided to start an industrial activity in Lombardy) the specific competence on closing systems has remained as a legacy.

The Capsulit of today, in fact, is now an international benchmark in the production of aluminium and plastic capsules for pharmaceutical products, with a turnover of 60% derived from exports and important resources engaged in quality control. Hence they hold a prominent position, gained with the experience and technological know-how made available to the market which, over the years, due to the company’s ability to listen and flexibility, the result of careful management of workflows and investments aimed at continuous improvement.
But over to the current heads of Capsulit - the president and CEO Marco Rizzardi, the export director Alessandro Vavalà and the sales director Gianluca Rossi - who, entitled to boast of having achieved an enviable timeframe, can together best describe the characteristics and potential of a solid company, projected towards the future.

First asset: everything done in-house and certified. «The premise is a must: we do everything internally, from the design of the closures to the management of shipments. This allows us to exercise full control over every stage of processing», Rizzardi begins, recalling that Capsulit of course operates in full compliance with the Good Manufacturing Rules and in compliance with the guidelines subject to ISO 15378 certification. «In practice, we document in detail every aspect of the production process, guaranteeing all the quality standards in accordance with the demands of the pharmaceutical industry» as confirmed by the numerous certifications obtained by Capsulit, which in 2015 also achieved the Certiquality Certificate of Excellence.
«We started by producing aluminium capsules for syrups», the CEO recalls, briefly retracing the growth stages of the company «starting up the production of plastic closures later, to reach aluminium and plastic capsules specifically made for injectable pharmaceuticals. This is a progressive integration that has allowed Capsulit to establish itself on a global scale as one of the few manufacturers able to supply the dual technology, aided by investments in the latest generation automated assembly systems».

Second asset: a complete range. Vavalà echoes: «Given our decades-long relationship with the pharmaceutical market, we are called upon to interpret their needs in the best possible way, rendering a perfect product designed specifically for the purpose. Moreover, we are able to produce a truly complete range of closing systems, ranging from aluminium and plastic capsules for syrups with various diameters (from 17 to 38) and different types of liner, capsules with silica gel inserts, capsules for injectable products, but also capsules for single-dose or with syringe adapters, droppers and pourers, measuring cups and spoons... Or again, droppers with aluminium or plastic ring, also in child proof version and with glass or plastic stem, tumbler dropper, HPDF bottles... In short, we have the right product for every need: a fundamental aspect for the development of the business that, in the last 10 years, has registered a 50% increase in turnover, exceeding 24 million euros in 2018».
This is also the result of prudent and far-sighted trade policies.
«We generate 60% of our turnover on foreign markets - continues the manager - supported by a branch in Spain and a network of agents and distributors located beyond Europe, thanks to which we have also made ourselves independent in North Africa and in Middle East, making the most of the geographical proximity that allows logistics costs to be kept within acceptable limits. In the most distant areas, and I am thinking in particular of South America or the Far East, our policy is fundamentally associated with the supply of large volumes».

Third asset: the quality of efficiency. «Beyond the numbers that actually testify the value of our business - says Rossi convinced - what counts is the experience and quality of the relationship that we have managed to create over time with the pharmaceutical multinationals, which is based on some fundamental assumptions: the readiness and the ability to listen, the efficient responses that derive from being able to count on a lean, flexible and competent structure. And again, the propensity to invest in instruments capable of making the  difference, as in the case of automatic vision systems used on our production lines, which carry out sophisticated checks on the capsules, singling out flaws and defects and discarding non-compliant items.
In short, we have built our reputation on attention to safety: workmanship and products, but also on the health of those who work within or for the company. And to achieve these goals - the sales director explains - Capsulit has developed an integrated company system for managing quality, safety and the environment in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015, UNI EN ISO 15378: 2015 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 standards. A system, ours, which in addition to being documented must be updated and revised periodically to ensure the validity and adequacy of the entire company organization over time».

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