Wrappers by Robopac in Mexico

Walmart of Mexico and Central America has chosen Robopac as reference supplier for the wrapping machines in use in its numerous product distribution centers spread throughout Mexico. Thanks to the local dealer Eurotecsa, Robopac could further consolidate the partnership with the American giant, world leader in the distribution of food products.

Walmex (Walmart of Mexico and Central America) has a turnover of over 25.41 billion dollars (2018) and has 2,358 stores for a total of over 9 million square meters of retail space. Mexico is the main market for Walmart outside the United States and accounts for 5% of global sales.
In assessing which technological wrapping solutions to adopt, Walmart asked the dealer Eurotecsa first of all for maximum protection of the palletized goods, due to the need for long transports that take place on roads that are not in perfect conditions.
Another prerogative for Walmart has been to obtain reliable, durable and easy to use machines. Also on the service front, Walmart requested the possibility of on-site machine maintenance.

The quality of the machines, which represent the state-of-art of technology, added to the immediate availability of machines and spare parts by Eurotecsa the high quality of the stretch film and the 24/7 service guaranteed by the sub-dealers have been the success factors of the operation.
In terms of stretch film wrapping machines, in 2019 Walmart of Mexico and Central America purchased 72 new Robopac machines. Currently, all 170 wrappers in use come from the same Italian supplier. In particular, the Robopac machines operating in the eight Mexican Walmart destruction centers of non-perishable products are: 117 Masterplat PGS, the rotary tables able to protect the product and save films thanks to the pre-ironing they come with as standard; 32 Ecoplat PPS rotary tables; 12 semi-automatic wrappers with rotating arm Masterwrap XL; 6 Ecoplat Plus FRD; 3 Masterplat FRD.
From 1992 (year of the beginning of the collaboration with Robopac Systems) until 2019, Eurotecsa has sold 133 automatic machines from Robopac. Since the agreement signed in 2009 with Robopac Machinery, the semi-automatic machines of the San Marino company purchased from Eurotecsa have been 682, for a value of over 3.3 million euros.