Confalonieri Matite | Cosmopack 2022
Gordona, heart of the Alps and of the unspoilt natural setting of the Valchiavenna. Here CONFALONIERI has been producing 100% made in Italy make-up pencils for more than half a century. The entire production process - from concept to formulation, ingredients to packaging - takes place at the production facility. A process based on research, investigation and experimentation: these values make CONFALONIERI the ideal partner for any type of private label product.
In facts the Research & Development department has a clear mission: to produce exceptional quality wooden pencils. The wood is PEFC-certified and all ingredients are traceable. In a co-creation workflow, CONFALONIERI and the client identify the most appropriate characteristics of the formulation, texture and colors for an entire product line or an individual item. Then CONFALONIERI produces the cosmetic paste that will become the core of the pencil, ensuring perfect consistency in properties and pigments. Everything is constantly checked and tested to ensure maximum quality. This is the way to obtain pencils for eyes, lips, eyebrows and face with optimum performance, seeking to stay ahead of the times and offer products that are increasingly respectful of our skin and the environment.
A word from... Guido Luca Confalonieri, CEO CONFALONIERI MATITE S.r.l.
More inclusive, sustainable, safe: how is the cosmetic product/packaging changing, also in the light of the new consumer trends, which focus on wellness and self-care?
«Our concern for the increasingly current and - we believe - crucial issue of sustainability - environmental, economic and social - is such that right now we're finalising our Code of Ethics, to further protect all our customers, suppliers and staff. We're actually on a genuine journey of growth which, over the years, has been strengthened by ad hoc projects and investment. Moreover, our product range is sustainable in itself. All our pencils are made in PEFC-certified wood. What's more, our Research & Development department is constantly engaged in seeking and trialing new and alternative solutions. For example, even though our caps are already 100% recyclable, we're also working towards using caps made from recycled plastic».
General supply difficulties, significant increases in freight rates, raw material and energy prices: how are you coping with these issues?
«These issues are affecting many - if not all - production sectors around the world. It's a situation we've been dealing with for two years now, further aggravated by the pandemic. With regard to the increase in rents and energy, it would perhaps be best to tackle the issue by joining forces and acting together to come up with solutions that should be coming from the government. Our main problem at the moment remains the great difficulty in sourcing some of our raw materials. However, in spite of this, at CONFALONIERI MATITE we’re not losing heart. In view of the shortages, we have carried out a lengthy and in-depth review of our formulations and textures, while ensuring that the quality of the end product is unaffected».

Confalonieri Matite S.r.l.
Sede legale: Via Castelfidardo, 11 - 20121 Milano (MI) Italy
Sede operativa: Via Al Piano, Zona Industriale - 23020 Gordona (SO) Italy
[email protected]