Bosch Rexroth: record turnover in 2022
In 2022 Bosch Rexroth achieved a turnover of 7 billion euros, a value never reached before in the company’s history.
Compared to the previous year (6.2 billion euros), sales increased by 14.1%. Although falling slightly (-2.1%), the 7.3 billion euros of orders are the second highest value ever obtained. Acquisitions and partnerships are strengthening the portfolio of products and will help the company to reach future growth targets and a balanced regional structure. Investments in already existing businesses and new sites, besides in R&D, have reached level records (388 million euros). At the end of 2022, Bosch Rexroth was able to count on a global workforce of 32,100 employees, up 3%.
The Italian branch, which has been operating in the market since 1954 and employs around 400 people in a number of distributed sites, is taking part in SPS Italia in Parma with its vision of the connected and sustainable factory, based on the pillars of automation, digital and robotics. These are the three key areas underpinning the anthropocentric, open and sustainable factory, aspects that enterprises have to make their own in order to face and overcome the challenges that industrial evolution is placing before them. Given these assumptions, the company expresses cautious optimism regarding the trend for 2023, albeit in a context that remains challenging.