Focus on nutraceutical products
Products defined as nutraceutical products are today growing fast also in Italy. This category includes supplements, ferments, vitamins and other items that contain concentrated nutrients which are essential for our wellbeing.
In more detail, nutraceuticals include probiotics, anti-oxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6), vitamins and enzyme complexes. These products are used mainly to prevent chronic diseases, improve the state of health, delay the ageing process and increase life expectancy. Nutraceutical products can be consumed in the form of "naturally nutraceutical food", or in the form of "enriched food" with a specific active element (for example, milk fortified with vitamin D or omega-3 acids). Finally, they can be consumed in the form of food supplements in liquid formulations, in tablets or capsules. These last two types – enriched foods and integrators – are covered by this analysis.
Pieces | % | |
Digestive/intestinal tracts | 91.8 | 29.50% |
Vitamins/minerals/food supplements | 84.1 | 27.00% |
Coughs/colds respiratory tracts | 35.8 | 11.50% |
Circulatory system | 18.7 | 6.00% |
Tonics | 12.5 | 4.00% |
Urology and reproductive system | 9.3 | 3.00% |
Tranquilizers | 15.6 | 5.00% |
Analgesics | 9.3 | 3.00% |
Products for losing weight | 6.2 | 2.00% |
Others | 28 | 9.00% |
Total | 311.3 | 100.00% |
In practice, the main nutraceutical integrators, depending on their specific function, contribute to:
- strengthening the immune system;
- regulating gastro-intestinal functions;
- supporting the organism during physical activity;
- significantly reducing the risks of the occurrence of cardiovascular or degenerative diseases;
- delaying the ageing process;
- preventing chronic diseases;
- contributing to improving certain body functions.

The market. The turnover of the sector has exceeded 4 billion euros in Italy and in 2022 grew by around 8%. With regards to the number of packets, the sector shows a growth of 10.2% compared to 2021 and an average annual growth rate from 2016 to 2022 of +4.8%. On the basis of research carried out by the IQVIA Institute, the highest growth was achieved by products that strengthen the respiratory system (+39% in 2022). Double-digit growth was also achieved by products supporting the digestive and intestinal systems (+14%).
The packaging. On the basis of analyses of the Italian Packaging Institute’s Database, in 2022, the over 311 million of packets of nutraceutical products have a mix as described below. 45% of the packets used in the sector are plastic/aluminium blisters for capsules or tablets. We then have plastic jars and bottles (35%), followed, with 14%, by glass jars and bottles. Sachets in laminated material represent 5.5% of packets and, lastly, we find aluminium tubes with 0.5%. Approximately 13,100 tons of packaging were associated with this sector, including secondary, transport and accessory packaging.
% | |
Blisters (ALL/PVC e ALL/ALL) | 45.00% |
Plastic jars and flacons. | 35.00% |
Glass flacons both standard and small | 14.00% |
Laminated pouches (CA+ALL+PE) | 5.50% |
Rigid aluminium tubes | 0.50% |
Total | 100.00% |
Barbara Iascone
Italian Packaging Institute