The EU cosmetics market slowly picks up again
L’industria cosmetica europea ha chiuso il 2020 con segnali di sofferenza. I contraccolpi della crisi sanitaria si sono fatti sentire in molti dei 27 Stati Membri, che hanno riportato significativi cali di fatturato. Se nel 2019 il comparto registrava un valore complessivo di oltre 123 miliardi di dollari, il 2020 ha segnato un calo del 3,5% attestandosi a 118,8 miliardi.
The Euromonitor International forecasts released by WeCosmoprof International suggest that the sector will see a slow recovery in 2021 to reach a year-end turnover of just over USD 119 billion (up 0.1% on 2020, down 3.3% on 2019), while for 2022 the analysts are forecasting a turnover of USD 120.2 billion, 2.3% less than in 2019. Despite the upward trend, it will take a little longer to return to pre-Covid levels.
Performance of the various segments. The mass beauty sector is driving consumption in the European continent and is forecast to reach US $69.7 billion in 2021, up 0.3% on 2020. The segment suffered a moderate decline after the outbreak of the pandemic, falling by 0.5% compared to 2019.
The impact on the premium segment is likely to be more significant, with an expected 12.2% decline from €34 billion in 2019 to €30.4 billion at the end of 2021.
Among the most dynamic sectors in Europe, the skincare product segment is reacting most positively to the post-Covid transformations and is expected to surpass€27.5 billion in 2022, returning to 2019 levels.