True courage is needed as much as a shield than as a sword*

One continuously reads of the need for courage or bravery…… thus meaning an elevated sentiment, commonly believed to be the most noble degree of human attributes.

  * Barone Massias, “Principles of philosopy and morals”

Hence courage is none other than the faculty of overcoming the ordinary sensation of fear, and in this it manifests itself as a vital force of resistance, of which nature has provided all sentient beings.
All the virtuous sentiments particular to the human species frequently resort to courage. Indeed, how many people moved by none other than compassion expose themselves to serious risks in order to subtract their fellows from imminent danger!

Flower Thrower, Bansky - work created by the street artist Banksy in Jerusalem in 2003.

Indeed this praiseworthy passion offers itself to the observer in various degrees and forms, according to the circumstances.
There is an “august” courage, that comes from a great mishap, there is a “passive” courage, a lot more praiseworthy than that manifested by sacrificing ones enemy to ones own resentment, and it is the form of courage the result of necessity and need.

As the title states, moral superiority can also tame ferocity.
One thing that is certain is that courage can make use of the experience and teaching, inasmuch as a faculty capable of improvement, the way our muscles are.

That is to say, never mind how you consider it, courage is a source of life for the political body, shield against mishap in the social state and - indeed why not? - also defence of oppressed virtue.
It is only up to mankind to perfect the sentiment of courage, raising it above the simple pulsations of instinct. It is perhaps for this very reason that Homer “has prudence exit from the head of an old man, to moderate all that is too impetuous in this generous passion”.

Dedicated to those who:
- run the 160 Italian anti-violence centers that, in 2017, offered protection to 22,000 women (140 were killed last year);
- fight against exploitation, violence, wars (in Yemen in 3 years 10 thousand people have died, in Syria in 7 years over 350 thousand);
- defend the weakest and most needy, engaging in non-profit organizations of social utility;
- are capable of listening to the appeal of others to save them and to save themselves;
- believe it is possible to combine growth with environmental sustainability and social welfare, against the "economy of slavery";
- still believe in the idea of ​​a free market and are not willing to play the game of a few oligopolists, such as the big BAADD (Big, Anti-competitive, Addictive and Destructive to Democracy) multinationals;
- believe in a long-term future, even without the government of machinery;
- do not resign themselves to accepting simple answers to complex problems;
- are convinced that we should not forget we have a historical, collective memory, so as not go back to reinventing the wheel and repeating the same mistakes;
- continue to do their job honestly on a daily basis;
- are capable of admitting their own mistakes and starting over from there;
- according to their conscience, manage to do differently and better, in an increasingly standardised world hostage to stereotypes and absurd taboos ...



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