
  • Packing versus Covid 19

    We receive and gladly publish the open letter of an entrepreneur in our sector who, at the time of the Corona virus, reflects on the importance of "teaming up" in companies, but above all takes the opportunity to reaffirm the reasons, all positive, of packaging. A fine example of resilience, or of that «ability to cope with traumatic events in a positive way, to positively reorganize one's life…
  • Obsessions

    The Plastic Tax now occupies the front pages of national newspapers and the large packaging supply chain is in fibrillation. By Stefano Lavorini
  • Unsustainable sustainability

    "Your youngest don’t allow you sleep, the older ones won't even let you rest"... by Stefano Lavorini
  • An alternative... based on ciauscolo (and a lot more)

    I am writing about the Marches, the title bearing a reference to the salami, of ancient peasant origins, typical to that region: rosy, fragrant, with a tasty but delicate flavor, to be spread on bread. Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
  • As Time Goes By

    Bizarre chasms open up in thinking about how our individual and collective future, as one hears repeated, is indissolubly tied to innovation in production processes.
    Our GDP will suffer if we are not capable of reducing production costs while maintaining the same quality, and/or offering the consumer new products and services with a greater added value, or that is more personalised. Editorial by…
  • The many colors of Nature

    Grass, herbs, trees, wheat, broom, olives, oaks ... the gradations of species are endless along with the colors that amaze us with their harmony and beauty. Nature is variety and diversity, it is the basis of our life. Let us respect it, freeing man from his egoism and obtuseness! Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
  • Rosy's fabric

    "Ideas give people courage". This phrase, attributed to French politician Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929), offers the cue to Aldous Huxley for a broad reflection on today's reality which, in my opinion, is not so different from that of 1931 (the year in which he published his "Beliefs and Action" essay). Editorial by Stefano Lavorini.
  • 2018: The year of Plastics Schizophrenia

    The psychiatrist Thomas Szasz writes: «The proverb suggests that we don’t bite the hand that feeds us. But perhaps we ought to, if that hand actually prevents us from feeding ourselves».
  • Is it perhaps a fairy tale?

    On the threshold of 100 years, avvocato Bruno Segre, after running off a series of poignant and scathing critiques of the current moment in history, winds up laconically: «Italy remains a great country. She’s like a vulgar albeit beautiful woman. And I can’t stop loving her».(1). 
  • Each person finds hope within themselves*

    Among the living beings, man seems to be the only one made happy by hope, who exalts himself with joy thinking of the reason that might put him in the condition of possessing a desired thing, but he is also the only one to weep when he discovers all hope is lost.
  • It’s easy to say ink

    In addition to printing products... The future today seems to lie in the innovative solutions developed by Sun Chemical to give value to packaging. But you can bet on it, this is just the beginning of a change that is not only technological but cultural, that will affect converters and brand owners. Stefano Lavorini
  • In - formation

    Are the small-to-medium sized concerns mainly to blame for the growth deficit in the Italian economic system? Is the particularly fragmented structure of our manufacturing tissue an element of backwardness or, on the contrary, one of modernity? And yet again…is the delay in efficiency that we suffer compared to other nations to be put down to low levels of work productivity attributed to the…
  • I do what I am

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini. Take an afternoon of the penultimate day of interpack: sitting in the company of Simona Michelotti at the fine stand of “her” SIT, devised and put together with uncommon enthusiasm and participation for the Duesseldorf fair, I take advantage of a rare moment of calm to sum up the situation together.
    As often occurs, inevitably, we end up by speaking of the paths of…

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