Ecodynamic and forward-looking

Ecomondo, Key Energy, Key Wind, Sal.Ve, Cooperambiente and H2r (Rimini Fiera, 6th-9th November 2013): the shows dedicated to the themes and technologies for environmental protection and energy saving/recovery have borne witness to the “eco innovatory” dynamism of Italian industry and research in the field.

Ecomondo alone was attended by over 1,000 exhibitors and 93,125 visitors (10.4% on 2012), making it clear that Italy has a growth opportunity within reach, consolidating the culture and the efficiency of use and reuse of material and energy. But also, more importantly, the country has all that it takes to win the technological challenges of “sustainability”. Institutions and economic and productive actors are called upon to collaborate. The next event for the green economy in Rimini is from 5th to 8th November 2014.

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