Pack & Gift
Paris, 17-18 June 2015. Last year 225 exhibitors (+20%) and 3154 visitors of wide consumption brands (+2%) convened at the French special occasions packaging fair in search of packaging for their promotional campaigns, gift products, seasonal offers and so forth.
The event, organized by Idice in order to meet the needs of those seeking to “convert a standard product into something special” is experiencing dynamic growth and seeks to awe the packaging industry, making quite a show in Paris in the spirit of “funtasy”, with many conferences, events and happenings, displaying all its expertise and capacity for inventing always the right (and new) solution for each product. The website features a list of this year’s exhibitors, the topics of conferences and events, information on activities planned by the Cognac school of packaging, and on the Twist 2015 contest, dedicated to cross contamination and surprising packaging solutions.