Convention Powerlink

To be held the coming October 8th, at the Tecnopolo, Reggio Emilia, the first national conference dedicated to the industrial, realtime and open source communication standard that does not require dedicated hardware.

Organized by the independent association EPSG (Ethernet Powerlink Standardization Group) and Messe Frankfurt Italia, the event intends offering opportunities for contact between Powerlink interface product producers and Italian users. But it is also proposed as an occasion for direct information and insights for anyone interested in integrating and exploiting the characteristics of this communications standard. The event in fact is aimed at a technical public, from companies that integrate their own products, or that use fieldbuses and that are interested in the Ethernet based industrial communication technologies with realtime capacities (i.e. developers, system integrators, automation heads, technical and works directors).
The range of products with Powerlink interface, proposed by producers of sensors, actuators, controllers, network devices etc. will be on show for examination in an exhibition area alongside the conference hall.
For further info:

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