Food Contact Expert 24-25 June 2015, Desenzano del Garda

AIBO-FCE, with the sponsorship of Istituto Italiano Imballaggio, is hosting at the Palace Hotel in Desenzano the 4th Food Contact Experts National Scientific Congress, a technical/scientific information event dedicated to “Materials and objects in contact with food products”.

The event’s theme will be developed from various different perspectives, with in-depth looks at news, environmental factors, chemical safety, control technologies and processes, etc. The speakers represent different entities of the packaging industry: research labs, certification organisms, studies and consulting companies, manufacturers and distributors of instruments and analytic technologies, producers and distributors of raw materials for the packaging sector.
In addition to representing an important occasion for updates and training, the event offers contacts and networking with sector experts and operators, whom the public can also encounter at display tables set up for the occasion.

Nota bene Istituto Italiano Imballaggio’s Food Packaging Technical Commission will dedicate the evening before the congress, 23 June, to a workshop day presenting the much anticipated “Guidelines for food contact compliance of machinery and equipment”. The document is offered as a tool for managing technological suitability requirements in terms of destination of use and compliance with law governing the machinery and its components.

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