Pharma 4.0: innovations, processes and enabling technologies
Organized by Messe Frankfurt Italia with ISPE, the opening roundtable of SPS Digital Days 2021 was dedicated to the world of pharma, where the virtuous link between technological innovation, health protection, and improved lifestyles is inescapable. M.C.
As pointed out by Francesca Selva, Vice President Marketing & Events Messe Frankfurt Italy, the choice to start the Digital Days 2021 with the round table "We Love Talking - 4.0 in Pharma - Innovations, processes and enabling technologies for the future of the Italian pharmaceutical industry" had the clear intent to highlight and enhance the key role played by technological innovation in protecting the health and safety of people. This was the focus of a popular event, rich in content and animated by authoritative interventions.
Enzo Lacchini, Chair ISPE Italy, after recalling how technologies 4.0 have been an important means to get out of the tunnel of pandemic, presented the activities of ISPE working groups, active especially in the field of digital: the event Foya 2021 in Vienna 8-9/12/2021 and the events plan of the voluntary association that, it should be remembered, has 492 members in Italy.
Nicoletta Luppi, Member of the Board of Farmindustria, has then deepened the topic with the speech "Pharmaceutical and digitalization in Italy", while the coordinator of the event Teresa Minero, International Board of Directors, EU Leadership Team, Steering Committee Pharma 4.0 ISPE, Founder & CEO of LifeBee spoke about "State of the art and perspectives at global level of Pharma 4.0".
This was followed by case histories of projects carried out, in progress or already planned by two important companies in the sector, narrated by Francesco Minà (Janssen ) with "Our Pharma 4.0 Journey" and by Silvia Carota (Angelini Holding), who presented "Pharma digitalization: the Angelini way".
The virtual event ended with the second round table "Pharma 4.0: innovation, compliance and sustainability" which was attended by
Fabio Rossi (Automationware), Roberto Nicolini (Motor Power Company), Luca Fraticelli (Omron Electronics), Simone Cerizza and Emanuele Minaglia (Rockwell Automation), Daniele Romano (Vega Italia,
The speakers illustrated how the application of digital components produced by their companies has allowed them to solve practical problems and make their client companies more efficient.
Concludiamo queste brevi note con una notizia importante: le Università di Milano Bicocca e quella di L'Università di Pavia hanno siglato un accordo per l'istituzione di un nuovo corso di laurea sull'Intelligenza Artificiale che formerà gli specialisti di cui le aziende hanno bisogno.
We conclude these brief notes with an important piece of news: the Università di Milano Bicocca and Università di Pavia have signed an agreement for the establishment of a new degree course on Artificial Intelligence, which will train the specialists that companies need.
The recording of the event is available for streaming on the SPS Italia Contact Place.