Sustainable ultrasonic technology for fresh convenience produce

IMA Ilapak continues to invest in technological innovation for pre-cut salad packaging. The ultrasonic sealing technology adopted on VFFS allows to reduce the environmental impact in this delicate segment of the food industry.

In the center of excellence located in the Val di Chiana a few kilometers south of Florence, IMA Ilapak designs and manufactures multi-head weighers and vertical packaging machines (VFFS) for dosing and food packaging. The company stands out for its know-how of excellence in the field of ultrasonic sealing, achieved in 15 years of experience, for which the Foiano della Chiana plant has become a reference point in the fresh convenience produce market. In this field, IMA Ilapak’s leading solution is Vegatronic, which represents the first choice for the major companies active in the segment of ready-to-eat fruit and vegetables.

Ultrasonic sealing: green benefits. One of the main advantages of ultrasound technology is its ability to guarantee hermetic packs even in the presence of product residues in the sealing area, whose dimensions are also considerably reduced compared to those of traditional thermal transfer systems.

Combining film saving, thanks to the reduction in waste, with the smaller size of the seals, we obtain a 25% reduction in film consumption, which is equivalent to a saving in atmospheric emissions of 1,800 kg of CO2 for every ton of film used. Added to this is an energy saving of about 30% compared to traditional technologies, corresponding to 7.2 tons of CO2 each year.

And if the characteristics of greater sustainability, today more than ever, are guiding the choices of consumers and many key players in the sector, the benefits for the companies of the IV range do not end here. Ultrasound technology, in fact, also makes it possible to increase the performance of the packaging line, significantly reducing the manpower needed to recirculate discarded packages. Last but not least, it offers excellent flexibility in handling new generation packaging materials, such as compostable, biodegradable and recyclable films, both mono-material and paper-based.

Tests and demonstration simulations for all

Ilapak is ready to open its facility to anyone who wants to get up close and personal with the quality and sustainability of its vertical solutions for the fresh convenience produce sector. Thanks to the new air-conditioned room and the recent “wash room”, tests and demonstrations are carried out in an environment that simulates the real conditions of temperature and humidity in which the machinery will operate during the production cycle, as well as accurate studies on sanitizers and washing simulations, essential for this kind of production.

Find out more information about the companies mentioned in this article and published in the Buyers' Guide - PackBook by ItaliaImballaggio

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