Lots of new ideas from the Finnish forests
Metsä Board, the Finnish producer of virgin fibre cardboard, took part in interpack exhibiting all its most recent paper-based packaging solutions, underlining the sustainability of the entirely renewable virgin material used.

«After a long pause, participating in interpack as an integral part of “Print-City” was very exciting» Bettina Tschoner-Fuchs, Marketing Communication Manager del Group affirms. «We are exhibiting here numerous samples of printed materials, developed in our Excellence Centre where we simulate and test the performance of packaging in full compliance with sustainability criteria. At interpack we are focusing attention on our cardboard with dispersion barrier coating which, besides meeting the demand for high-quality packaging for foods and catering services, can be, in many cases, a valid alternative to using plastic. The search for green solutions continues, moreover, to be a priority for Metsä, a tangible expression of a balance between product quality and attention to the environment».
Among the new developments brought to the trade fair, there was also the Sustainability Report, which includes the roadmap for arriving at a production totally free from fossil sources, plus attention towards the constant reduction of overpackaging and, in general, of excess material in packaging solutions.
«We aim to achieve - concludes Tschoner-Fuchs - a production in which the real impact of the packaging that we produce is calculated in objective terms, thereby offering an effective contribution to strategies for the benefit of the climate and the environment».