Arol Group | IPACK-IMA 2022

The group develops technology and solutions for capping, combining the needs of correct product preservation, food safety and sustainability issues, for the most important beverage brands worldwide.
«We want to present our ability to integrate the different activities of the group, to offer a service to the customer, which is complete and developed with operational methods in step with the times. I’m thinking of Industry 4.0, of systems with a high degree of automation, the possibility of managing flexibility, which is increasingly in demand, by introducing more automation, robotics, detection and use of data to improve performance. All with a view to pooling the skills we have at group level, both in the manufacture of caps and in their application, with the aim of offering not just a machine but a complete service. An emblematic example is legislation: think of the new tethered cap, which, by law in a few years’ time, will be mandatory throughout Europe and for which we have found the solution, even for existing systems».
Federico Zannier, General Manager Unimac Gherri