Sacchital | IPACK-IMA 2022

Sacchital Group is a company with over 75 years of history in the design of flexible packaging and a consolidated know-how in paper processing.
«IPACK-IMA is an international appointment for professionals of the food industry, where we operate by supporting customers in the design of packaging with a circular perspective and promoting consumer education about sustainability choices.
In fact, we are the ideal partner for the development of eco-sustainable flexible packaging in the food, cosmetic and parapharmaceutical sectors, where Paperflex System® recyclable paper-based packaging lines, certified according to the Aticelca method, Compoflex System® compostable packaging, certified by TÜV Austria, and Monoflex System® single-material plastic packaging, certified as recyclable by the German Cyclos institute, are finding an increasingly wide application».
Paola Cerri, Sales & Marketing Manager