Connectivity is key for the AZ Series Mini Driver
The range of drivers for stepper motors from the Oriental Motor’s AZ Series has been extended with the arrival of the new Mini Driver, also equipped with Profinet and EtherNet/IP connectivity. With this new development, the AZ Series is offered, therefore, as a compact, simple and flexible driver, suitable for a wide range of applications.
Designed for driving Oriental Motor stepper motors with integrated absolute mechanical encoders, the new driver is available in four versions, with Modbus RS-485, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP and Profinet communication interface.
Thanks to the 24-48 VDC power supply and compact dimensions, the AZ Serie Mini Driver is ideal for modular or AGV applications, in which the power is supplied by a battery and the reduced weights and dimensions are essential for improving the efficiency of the system.
The solution makes it possible, for example, to drive, set and monitor the operation of AZ Series motors for DC power supply, often used for handling other Oriental Motor products, such as electric cylinders, rotary tables, linear actuators and electric grippers.