The future that awaits us

You can also learn from an emergency

Mattia Dall' Armellina, Sales Department Laborplast (Busto Arsizio, VA), regeneration of rigid PVC, used in the production of compounds, by extrusion and injection molding, and of cores for coils.

The lockdown imposed for the containment of the COVID-19 epidemic has had a huge impact on the economic and social fabric of our country.

Like many companies in this period, Laborplast has faced major changes in order to be able to continue its business, while ensuring the necessary safety for all its employees.

Before the obligations deriving from national regulations, distancin, risk training, supply of PPE, sanitization and safety measures were activated in all departments. The use of smart working has been implemented for all areas not related to the production sector, and a health insurance policy has been activated to support the possible risks deriving from COVID-19.

«The management of this change - Mattia Dall'Armellina points out - has not only involved a passive response to events, but has also been a test bench for evaluating projects and investments undertaken over the years and a strong incentive to devise new strategies to apply in a scenario highly destabilized by the epidemic».

Laborplast had the opportunity to continue working also thanks to the choices made over the past few years: alongside the PVC cores for packaging, which have been fundamental to support the production of the food and pharmaceutical sectors, the production of rigid PVC granules and the new range of technical semi-finished products, have allowed us to face this crisis on different fronts.

«We are aware - concludes the manager - that the economic repercussions will certainly be felt during 2020, but the possibility of facing this phase has allowed us to accelerate many of the ongoing projects and to create new ones, such as the search for new materials for our souls for winding or strengthening the green footprint of our regenerated PVC, through the study of the product life cycle and obtaining environmental certifications.

All these new projects will also be carried out thanks to the new plant, which will become operational at the end of 2020, demonstrating how it is necessary to focus on the development of new roads especially in the most difficult periods».

Find out more information about the companies mentioned in this article and published in the Buyers' Guide - PackBook by ItaliaImballaggio

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