Innovation in a breath
Tales of today
Flash from interpack. Over to Angelo Forni, Atlanta Stretch.
Stefano Lavorini

At interpack, I met again after many years Angelo Forni, founder and owner of Atlanta Stretch: the same business drive and determination as in the past, the same desire to continue to construct automatic and semi-automatic machines for wrapping palletised loads, always in reduced dimensions and with an advantageous “total cost of ownership”.
It seems that the past never passes, if it wasn’t for the fact that in the meantime the company has grown in terms of production area, personnel, organization and turnover, keeping faith, nevertheless, to the initial principle of doing what you know how to do.
The attention to innovation has certainly not changed, particularly regarding those details that can make the difference. The “Arya System”-patented system demonstrates this. It seems like a brilliant but obvious idea in retrospect, that is, a surprisingly simple solution to an apparently impossible problem. I
n the field of semi-automatic wrappers, in fact, one of the most onerous operations for operators is, at the beginning of the cycle, fastening the stretch film to the pallet: it’s now possible to perform this operation automatically, thanks to a blow of air that makes the material adhere to the load without manual intervention. The device, in other words, seems to transform a semi-automatic machine into an automatic one, leaving the production worker the sole task of initiating the cycle by pressing a button.
Atlanta Stretch declares that Arya System effectively saves time and reduces labour costs, optimising the wrapping process while lowering packaging costs, as well as improving ergonomics by saving the operators from having to bend over to fix the film on to the pallet. This is all achieved without significant investments. Arya System can be installed on wrappers in the Neos, Lybra S and Mythos S series.