Davide Maria Coltro, Behind the cover ItaliaImballaggio 06/2023
Media Abstraction

Serie Kleitron II, particolare, 2022
Davide Maria Coltro, born in Verona in 1967, lives and works between Milan and Lake Maggiore. A pioneer of technological art, his projects modify criteria for the creation, dissemination and use of art. The result of his research, began at the end of the 1990s, is an original and multi-form digital-relational ecosystem, which the artist uses as a development and dissemination platform for his electronic painting, in a vision that anticipated the NFT mechanism by twenty years.
The relationship with the history of art and forms of painting are the cornerstones of his research. He himself defines his works as “painting beyond material”: works that live on a technological canvas or “Media Framework”, restoring the experience of time and space to the image, a sort of bi-location in which the artist acts without being present. Coltro always refers to the “framework” as a fundamental element in the development of the history of art and his interpretation responds to a contemporary historical-cultural vision, which frees the evocative power of the traditional framework, following its evolution.
Experimentation in digital art has led him to formulate the Sintonia Modale (Modal Tuning) concept, on which he is drawing up a theoretical text. In the last few years, he has begun a course of theological studies, with the aim of nourishing his own artistic research through a deeper reflection on man’s relationship with spirituality and fundamental themes of human existence. His works have been exhibited in Italy and abroad and form part of permanent museum and private collections.

[…] The latest works of Davide Maria Coltro are a stripping away of previous works, an aesthetic stripping away, first and foremost, which I would not be surprised to learn was motivated by an ethical gap […] The result is a “media abstraction” of great beauty, almost hypnotic, in which the chromatic vibrations of lines and squares repeat, changing almost infinitely. […] The media framework recomposes this indefiniteness in an integrity that we perceive at first glance when we look at the work, whose framed and solid contours hold, like a riverbed, the eternity of the stream in which we cannot bathe twice […]
Extract from the text “Davide Coltro e l’astrazione mediale: una ricerca consapevolmente straordinaria (Davide Coltro and media abstraction: a consciously extraordinary research) by A.Crespi” Published on the monograph “Una tela viva” (A living canvas) Manfredi Edizioni, Imola (BO) 2023 - Isbn 9791280049162