Delta Robot: a complete range
Manufacturer of Numerical Controls/PLCs and complete automation solutions for 35 years, Sipro Srl has also been present on the market for some years now with its Delta Robot range.
The company offers a complete product, of which it sees to the electronics, the wiring of the switchboard, the design and the mechanics, but also deals with the gripping hand and its realization.
Hence a “turnkey” solution that also allows the customer to customize the product by virtue of the specific needs of the application.
There are 4 models available, with working diameters of 500, 700, 1200 and 1600 mm. All versions can be configured with 3, 4 or 5 axes, while the wrist loadbearing capacity varies from 2 to 5 kg.
The Sipro Delta Robots work at high speed and precision thanks to the optimization of mechanics and electronics.
Ideal for both pick and place (with or without moving belts) and interpolated movement, they can be mounted on machines or lines, both individually and in multi-unit batteries.
Integration is also possible with the vision systems supplied by Sipro.
The product can be certified according to the requirements of Industry 4.0.