From HMI to mobile devices for non-stop productivity

A new feature in B&R’s mapp View HMI solution ensures that controls and information are always at their fingertips, so operators can move freely around the plant.
As B&R software expert Manuel Sánchez explains, «until now, physical access to machine HMI terminals has forced operators to work within a certain range. And since they couldn’t touch the screen, they found themselves unable to control the machines».
B&R’s web-based HMI solution now allows you to “take with you” machine control on your mobile device seamlessly and wherever you need to go. Once complete, you can simply re-pass the control back to the main HMI.
How it works. The new QRViewer widget, available in B&R’s mapp View HMI solution, generates dynamic QR codes in the machine’s user interface; simply scan to access the HMI. In addition to transferring HMI operation to a smartphone, these codes can also enable a host of other convenient new features to optimize machine performance and availability.
For example, through a dynamically generated QR code, in the event of an error in the system, operators can quickly access support documentation, training videos, part numbers, the technical support number to call, and more, directly and conveniently on their smartphones.
What’s more, when viewing historical performance data, you can access higher-level ERP systems, keeping track of batches throughout the supply chain.
The right information, in the right place, at the right time helps keep your machine in production safely with minimal downtime.