Delta Robot with integrated vision system

The solutions developed for the packaging industry by SIPRO to automate Pick & Place cycles involve the use of Delta geometry robots. The application is often completed with the implementation of an appropriate vision system.
We speak of a system because what is offered and developed by the company is not limited to a camera that “sees” objects, but to an integrated system that recognizes their shapes and is able to communicate with the motion control.
Depending on the expected machining and the mounted gripping hand, the points acquired are transformed by SIPRO’s SIAX M8 software and control (which has “natively” installed Delta geometry management) into coordinates for the robot.
Both the gripper and the deposit, managed by the camera, can be made on several moving belts or on fixed positions, or in combination with interpolation movements.
The vision system used by SIPRO involves the use of cameras with different resolutions and optics, chosen according to the needs of the cycle to be developed.
All the devices work in a simple and effective way with the proprietary SIPRO development software for operator interfaces