The world of packaging meets in Amsterdam

The iconic Beurs van Berlage building in the heart of Amsterdam is the venue chosen by the Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association AIPIA for its eighth World Congress.The event, due to be held on 18 and 19 November, will bring together leading players in the world packaging industry, major brand owners, research organisations and trade associations.
Data mining, shelf life extension, food safety and waste reduction, brand protection, authentication, recycling and innovative tracking and monitoring technologies will be amongst the themes discussed during the two-day congress.
Eef de Ferrante, managing director of AIPIA, commented: “It will be much more than a conference, it will mark a decisive step forward for the expansion of the sector. The AIPIA Congress is the only place where the whole sector comes together to see the complete picture about how the sector is developing and the latest innovations across all the technologies”.
More than forty speakers will present new projects and ideas for active and intelligent packaging (A&IP), which will be transformed from a simple logistics aidor security measure into agenuine tool capable of interacting with consumers and the product to enhance brand value and boost sales. More than 300 delegates will come to hear experts from every aspect of the A&IP sector and interact with major brands such as Coca Cola, Abbott Laboratories, Nestlé, Hoffman La Roche and many others. The participants will have the opportunity to hear about the latest applications in Augmented Reality and how QR codes and NFC tags are changing the way consumers think about their shopping experience – al through connected packaging.
The active technologies are also helping to reduce waste, improve recycling and contribute to sustainable packaging. With more than 30 per cent of global food production wasted it is vital new technologies are introduced to stop us throwing away food unnecessarily.
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