CONAI reshapes the environmental contribution for the recycling of packaging

From 1 January 2019 the CAC for steel packaging decreases and that relative to aluminium has been more than halved. In turn the tariff for paper and cardboard, plastic and glass packaging has been raised, while the subsidies for the re-use of wooden pallets have been strengthened.

Milan, 31 July. The CONAI Board of Directors, having heard the opinion of the supply chain consortiums Ricrea, CiAl, Comieco, Corepla, Rilegno and Coreve, has resolved to reorganize the Environmental Contribution for steel, aluminum, paper, plastic, wood and glass packaging.

Target: ensure the economic resources necessary to achieve the recycling/recovery targets for packaging waste throughout the country.

The CONAI-supply chain consortium system and independent recyclers contributed to guarantee the recycling of 67.5% of packaging waste in 2017, for a total of 8.8 million tonnes.

conai_Materials-Village_By-Yona-Friedman_web.jpgIn particular, as regards the increases in contributions relating to Comieco for paper, Coreve for glass and Corepla for plastics, the reasons are different: for paper, it is the sharp reduction in pulp prices caused by the new Chinese customs barriers on imports; for glass, the extraordinary increase in deposits and fees paid with the simultaneous drop in the auction value of the cullet due to the saturation of the processing plants; for plastics, it is the sharp increase in the quantity of packaging waste sent by the southern Italian regions, unfortunately of poor quality, which generated additional costs for the sorting of the material and the management of waste.

On the other hand, the positive course of secondary raw materials on the international and national market contributed to the reduction of the CAC for steel and aluminium packaging.The CONAI Board has decided to further facilitate the re-use of wooden pallets (in controlled production circuits) both new and repaired ones placed back in circulation. For this purpose it was decided to reduce the percentage of the weight of the pallet to be subject to an environmental contribution from 40% to 20%.

Aluminum packaging: € 15.00/t (previous value € 35.00/t);
Packaging in paper and cardboard: € 20.00/t (previous value € 10.00/t);
Steel packaging: €3.00/t (previous value €8.00/t);
Plastic packaging: an average value of €263.00/t (previous value € 208.00 / t);
Glass packaging. 24,00 €/t (previous value € 13,30 /t).

The increase will also have effect on the flat-rate/simplified procedures for importing full packaging, as ever starting from 1 January 2019.In particular: the rates to be applied on the total value of imports (in Euro) will increase from 0.13 to 0.16% for packaged food products and from 0.06 to 0.08% for packaged non-food products. The Contribution by means of the flat-rate calculation on the weight of the packaging only applied to imported goods (total weight without distinction of material) will increase from € 52.00 to € 64.00/t.


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