A new plant for Laborplast
Despite the criticalities and uncertainties caused by Covid-19, Laborplast (regeneration of rigid PVC, used in the production of compounds, for extrusion and injection moulding, and cores for reels) continued to pursue investment and development projects.
Among the most important initiatives was the construction of the new production plant, next to the current headquarters in Busto Arsizio.
After almost two years of construction, the work is now nearing completion: in addition to an area for production, the facility will include an area for the storage of finished products and a new laboratory for batch analysis, testing incoming raw materials and supporting the research and development department.
Laborplast is responding to the challenges arising from this transitional phase by investing significant resources in wide-ranging projects and focusing on three strategic directives, in order to face every possible future scenario in the best possible way: innovation, quality and sustainability.