Sustainability of e-commerce packaging in 8 guidelines
Sustainable packaging improves the image of the merchant, distinguishing them from the competition. For the online consumer it represents a qualifying factor, which largely influences their purchasing decisions. Eight key recommendations, identified by Netcomm and Comieco in the document “Guidelines for the correct use of packaging for e-commerce for the purposes of environmental sustainability”, are guiding companies operating in online commerce and operators in the logistics chain towards correct choices and behaviors.
The growing volumes of online sales are having an impact on the packaging sector, increasing volumes and modifying flows with important effects on the management of the packaging life cycle and on city logistics.
If on paper the exponential increase in the movement of packages could seem a potential enemy of the environmental cause, in reality things are different.
It is precisely the proliferation of boxes and packaging that is giving an enormous impulse to the re-engineering of logistics and packaging processes, encouraging the transition towards a prudent management that is more attentive to the development of a circular economy.
This is also a response to a precise market request: the environmental aspect is considered relevant for at least 80% of Italian e-shoppers, who are now more aware of this, and are asking for minimal, intelligent packaging, as plastic free as possible, reusable, recyclable and easy to dispose of.
In order to provide support to companies intending to ride this trend, in mid-2019 Netcomm and Comieco developed some Guidelines aimed at the “correct use of packaging for e-commerce for the purposes of environmental sustainability”.
Among the main objectives of the initiative, to which many companies have adhered, is to provide practical tools articulated in 8 key points, useful to identify virtuous behaviors to minimize the impact of packaging in logistics and online commerce. We summarize them below.
Li sintetizziamo nel seguito.
► Use packaging that is easily recyclable, eco-sustainable, renewable and reusable
► Optimize packaging consumption and activate a process of continuous improvement.
► Always verify the application of the European Directive on packaging and related waste.
► Raise awareness and involve customers in packaging optimization
► Use reusable packaging for the return of goods
► Use the most appropriate logistics and transport partners for the purposes of environmental sustainability
► Sensitize manufacturers in the design of products and their packaging for e-commerce ► Always verify the application of all safety regulations related to packaging
Packaging & e-commerce
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