Mobile assistance systems
Maxolution by Sew Eurodrive, finds application in handling standardized goods for moving inside and outside the facility, autonomous transport of goods in packaging units, autonomous interaction with other systems for seamless exchange of goods, continuous logistical chain (data and material flows).
Available in 9 versions, they can carry loads ranging from 150 to 1,500 kg, depending on the model, and they adapt to the height of the job.
The vehicles autonomously map the environment using simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), enabling them to move freely. Laser safety scanners and optic distance scanners protect operators and vehicles. The transmission of optic data is LED-based.
Depending on the applications, the solution is powered either through collector bars or with the contactless Movitrans system, whose line cables can be installed either on the floor or along the guide rails.
Also available is the intelligent Drive Power Solution, featuring an integrated power accumulator. Power peaks can be covered with Movitrans and the accumulator. With the CCU modules, the shuttles can be configured rather than programmed in the transport route for specific tasks.