
  • Cartoning machine for cosmetics and perfumes

    The company Tinarelli, based in the “packaging valley” near Bologna, took the opportunity offered by the “Porte Ouverte” initiative organised by its French agent Garin in March to present the new version of the TVL70 vertical cartoning machine designed specifically for packaging cosmetics and perfumery products.
  • Romaco acquires Spanish manufacturer STE Tecpharm

    Romaco has completed the acquisition of STE Tecpharm, a Spanish manufacturer specialising in technologies for the pharmaceutical industry, which from now on will operate under the name Romaco Tecpharm.
  • IXON wins the Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award

    IXON, a leading Dutch company in the field of remote assistance and IIoT solutions for machines and industrial plants, has won the prestigious Frost & Sullivan New Product Innovation Award 2020 with IXON Cloud, the complete, end-to-end IIoT platform specifically designed for advanced technology manufacturers.
  • ACE releases roadmap for circular beverage carton packaging

    ACE, The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment, and its members SIG Combibloc, BillerudKorsnäs, Elopak, Stora Enso and Tetra Pak, have set the industry’s vision for the future: we will deliver the most sustainable packaging for resilient food supply systems which is renewable, climate positive and circular.
  • Reno De Medici exits the FBB business

    Reno De Medici, primario produttore di cartoncino riciclato da imballaggio, ha firmato un contratto di opzione di vendita con Bonaparte Holding SAS che ha formulato un’offerta per l’acquisto del 100% di RDM La Rochette, controllata francese operante nel business del cartoncino prodotto da fibra vergine (FBB – Folding Box Board).
  • Corrugated cardboard: Grifal acquires the operating division of Cornelli

    The group has now signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the share capital of a newco called Cornelli Brand Packaging Experience to which the Cremona-based company Cornelli will transfer its operating division devoted to the production of corrugated cardboard boxes, as well as the design and implementation of new branding techniques applied to packaging.
  • Italian data science arrives in Israel

    Ammagamma, a data science company based in Modena, Italy, has opened its first foreign branch in the city of Haifa, Israel, an industrial centre of excellence.
  • Pepsico for the planet: climate goals doubled

    PepsiCo steps up efforts to build a more resilient and sustainable food system and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 40% across the entire value chain by 2030.
  • Coverpla supplies packaging for La Chênaie

    Coverpla, a French packaging company specialising in the perfumery and cosmetics sector, has been commissioned to design and produce the 50 ml bottles (including caps, pumps and pump covers) for La Chênaie’s new Eau de Toilette in the men’s Chêne Noir and women’s Chêne Blanc versions.
  • Circular management of EPS in the fishing industry

    On 12 January, Alessandro Augello, chairman of AIPE (Italian Association of Expanded Polystyrene Producers and Processors), and Luigi Giannini, chairman of Federpesca (Italian National Federation of Fishing Companies), signed a memorandum focusing on sustainable use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) isothermal packaging for fish transport in the context of good circular economy practices in the…

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