
  • To keep things simple

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
    Let’s value things. Hence, to start off the new year, let’s try and remember who we are.
  • Tribute to Alfio

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    January 2nd 2013 Corsico (MI) witnessed the funeral of Alfio Gianatti, CEO of Cicrespi SpA, who in just a few months succumbed to a serious illness.
  • Let’s change our curriculum

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    We know the way things are. Istat describes an Italian work market situation that is to say the least worrying: in September 2012 unemployment reached 10.%, which means 2,774 million people without work. And on top of that, the rate of unemployment of Italians between 15 and 24 years of age is up by 35.1%.
  • SIT-com

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    According to Wikipedia, the sit-com (situation comedy) is a form of comedy based on the representation of the emotional and social interaction of a limited number of characters immersed in a family environment, which viewers and spectators can easily identify themselves with.
  • A bit of good healthy strategy

    Very fashionable until the early '90s, the question of corporate strategy have fallen into disuse. At the beginning of 2000 imaginative and bold strategic theories glittering with joy and optimism flourished.
  • Small sales

    Despite the diminuitive, “small sales” are in fact a strategic field of enormous importance.
  • Free... to have to return

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    «This summer is also over and we are back…and its time to start up again».This the opening phrase of our September editorial of some years ago, but it gives me the cue for a trip down memory lane, taking a look at what I wrote over the years after the summer break, with the doubt that many are the things – the same things - still left to be done.
  • Yet it moves

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    It’s nice to be able to establish that progress never stops, not even in this period of crisis, marked by downturns in nearly all segments of the huge world of packaging producers and users.
  • Beyond packaging

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    Ours is a difficult world. A world in which even our fears have changed, and changed for the worse. This the sense of the talk given by professor Paolo Legrenzi which closed the proceedings of the fourth edition of the Economic Packaging Conference (Venice 30th and 31st May) organized by the Istituto Italiano Imballaggio in cooperation with Conai, the Italian…
  • Up with sales

    Whether companies, large corporations or SMEs, enterprises are always highly focused on the problems of business strategy in the broad sense of the term ...
  • Markets to be explored - Middle East

    The country offers good prospects for Italian companies supplying wrapping, bottling and packaging machines for food products (in particular olive oil) and pharmaceuticals and cosmetics (in particular products from the Dead Sea).
  • Who’s next?

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    Question and answer session with… Gianmario Ronchi
  • Commentary of events

    Practically speaking it has only just ended, but is already looking at 2015 with pondered optimism. We obviously speak of the 22nd edition of IPACK-IMA that - it seems to us - was able to combine the solidity of the technological proposals with the farsightedness of an extended view of things.
  • Markets to be explored (2)

    www.ice.gov.it The organisation ICE - Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies (under interim management) - has established a close collaboration with the magazine ItaliaImballaggio.
  • Chance or destiny?

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    We go through experiences that lead us to wonder, perhaps confusedly, whether what is happening around us is the result of chance or destiny; to wonder whether an occurrence simply has a definite and identifiable cause (chance), or whether in turn it is inevitable that it occurs on the basis of a set and invariable sequence of events (destiny).
  • With great optimism

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    It may seem strange, even provocative, hearing talk of optimism in a market situation like the current one, but this can happen in the world of packaging.
  • Value according to the customer-consumer and the customer-distributor

    Understanding the differences is critical to business success. In issue 11-12/2011 of ItaliaImballaggio we introduced the concept of  “value for the customer" and we stressed the importance of the same as a strategic element to be considered when developing a company's business policy.
  • A good start

    Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini
    I have made up my mind. I will let others speak for me: a lot has already been said, and well said. In the words that follow, there is a lot of what lies within me. Paradoxical the fact that - befitting to a common asset - it has been hard to attribute the writing  to a given author (even if it draws its inspiration from the poetry of Walt Whitman).

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