ItaliaImballaggio October 2021

  • Ultrasonic zipper sealing: durable and precise

    Herrmann Ultraschall presents ZSM, a modular system for continuous ultrasonic zipper sealing on flat-bottom pouches and tubular bags, in plastic (also in mono-material) and paper-based composite materials. 
  • Sustainability. The point of view of... COOP

    The big players of the largescale retail trade as a driver of innovation also with regard to sustainability, which is certainly a goal, but above all a value that permeates every action, from the presentation of a product on the shelf to the management of suppliers. Interview with Chiara Faenza, Sustainability and Innovation Values manager for Coop.
  • Beauty restarts from Onbeauty By Cosmoprof

    From 9 to 13 September, the event brought companies, operators, buyers, distributors, and retailers to Bologna for the first physical exhibition dedicated to the cosmetics industry after the pandemic. 
  • Deep Learning inspections for perfect packaging

    The economic damage caused by poorly packaged or unrecognisable batches is considerable, as is the damage caused by defects that have a negative impact on brand image.  The deep learning technologies used on Cognex International inspection systems help prevent problems. Paolo Stevanin, regional manager of the company, explains.
  • ECO-DESIGN: the Conai competition Episode 3

    Called upon to join the jury that will have to analyze the 319 products entered in the 2021 edition of the CONAI Call for Proposals and declare the winners, Barbara del Curto* talks about the new awareness of the industry in designing sustainable packaging. In addition to establishing the rules of less environmental impact, among their priorities are the analysis of the end of life of a packaging…
  • Sustainable actions for mankind and the environment

    In planning its development strategies, IMA takes into account the economic, social and environmental implications of its operations, with the aim of ensuring a balance between competitiveness, environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility.  
  • Innovating responsibly

    From the launch of the eco-friendly closures of the Blossom line, to the smart  NĕSTGATE, up to the implementation of Industry 4.0 paradigms to optimise industrial processes and launch many activities with low environmental impact, innovation and sustainability have marked Guala Closures year 2021. 
  • Proposals for technological “upgrades” at the end of the line

    D.C.M. è partner di riferimento per gli OEM, chiamati a proporre impianti sempre più automatizzati, flessibili e integrati, per ogni step del ciclo produttivo. Per ottimizzare i processi al fine linea, l’azienda fornisce soluzioni customizzate, dalla palettizzazione alla logistica e-commerce, che offrono sicuri vantaggi in termini di efficienza.
  • The intelligent transport XTS in flow pack machines

    Cavanna Packaging, costruttore leader di confezionatrici flow-pack per prodotti food e non, ha equipaggiato le sue macchine con il sistema di trasporto XTS e la tecnologia di comunicazione EtherCAT di Beckhoff. Decisivi i vantaggi in termini di efficienza e flessibilità, a partire dalla prima applicazione su un impianto flow-pack di biscotti.
  • Without heSITations, for 50 years

    Living in the present, aware of the past and (always) imagining a new future... This is the rule of life that guides the path of the SIT Group, which for half a century has been involved in the printing and transformation of flexible packaging for food and non-food products.
  • Opening cans in the kitchen

    Among likes and followers, the Ricrea initiative, which sees steel packaging at the center of a project that combines practicality, attention to the environment and haute cuisine, is a hit on social media.
  • “Internet of Packaging” for the food industry of the future

    With its complete range of marking systems, EIDOS is the ideal partner in every context in which track & trace technologies, integrated in digital and connected architectures, offer high added value in guaranteeing the origin, quality, integrity and safety of food products.

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