Materials and machinery

  • Ultrasonic zipper sealing: durable and precise

    Herrmann Ultraschall presents ZSM, a modular system for continuous ultrasonic zipper sealing on flat-bottom pouches and tubular bags, in plastic (also in mono-material) and paper-based composite materials. 
  • Deep Learning inspections for perfect packaging

    The economic damage caused by poorly packaged or unrecognisable batches is considerable, as is the damage caused by defects that have a negative impact on brand image.  The deep learning technologies used on Cognex International inspection systems help prevent problems. Paolo Stevanin, regional manager of the company, explains.
  • Innovating responsibly

    From the launch of the eco-friendly closures of the Blossom line, to the smart  NĕSTGATE, up to the implementation of Industry 4.0 paradigms to optimise industrial processes and launch many activities with low environmental impact, innovation and sustainability have marked Guala Closures year 2021. 
  • Proposals for technological “upgrades” at the end of the line

    D.C.M. è partner di riferimento per gli OEM, chiamati a proporre impianti sempre più automatizzati, flessibili e integrati, per ogni step del ciclo produttivo. Per ottimizzare i processi al fine linea, l’azienda fornisce soluzioni customizzate, dalla palettizzazione alla logistica e-commerce, che offrono sicuri vantaggi in termini di efficienza.
  • The intelligent transport XTS in flow pack machines

    Cavanna Packaging, costruttore leader di confezionatrici flow-pack per prodotti food e non, ha equipaggiato le sue macchine con il sistema di trasporto XTS e la tecnologia di comunicazione EtherCAT di Beckhoff. Decisivi i vantaggi in termini di efficienza e flessibilità, a partire dalla prima applicazione su un impianto flow-pack di biscotti.
  • Authentication label for A2 milk

    A Swiss food testing company SwissDeCode has launched the A2 INSIDE Label, which is intended to help end user to identify the efforts of dairy producers in guaranteeing authentic A2 milk products.
  • Prevent food waste thanks to a dynamic algorithm

    To reduce food waste in the in the GDO channel the Israeli start-up company Wasteless - supported by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) - has developed a smart algorithm that allows the application of dynamic pricing markdowns based on expiry dates. (Source: AIPIA).
  • Birra Peroni leverages blockchain traceability

    The Italian beer brand Birra Peroni, part of the Japanese Asahi Group, is now using EY OpsChain Traceability on the public Ethereum blockchain for supply chain traceability. The solution mints non-fungible tokens (NFTs), providing a unique, digital certificate of ownership for each batch of beer.
  • Recyclable RFID tag

    Part of Stora Enso Intelligent Packaging’s portfolio of food and beverage RFID labels - known as the ECO RFID Food & Beverage Collection - ECO Meal is a new UHF RFID tag, with a printed paper antenna, designed to be attached to frozen entrees or other microwaveable packed foods.
  • Strawberries tracked through QR and RFID combination

    Belgian fresh fruit and vegetable auctioneers Coöperatie Hoogstraten has worked with RFID technology supplier Aucxis to provide visibility and to track the movements of its strawberries throughout the supply chain.
  • Robotized packaging for traditional biscuits

    In order to package the semi-homemade biscuits of the Italian company Asolo Dolce, Gerhard Schubert has developed a TLM robotized system, also optimizing the secondary pack. The goal was achieved: a more efficient, flexible and faster packaging process to meet the new production requirements.
  • Etichettatrice by Wide Range per la cosmetica

    L'etichettatrice semiautomatica per prodotti cilindrici DWR ROUND di Wide Range entra prepotentemente in gioco, smarcandosi dagli altri prodotti e distinguendosi per la grande facilità di impiego, molto intuitivo.
  • Food Contact Materials: an evolving regulatory landscape

    Sun Chemical’s quarterly Regulatory Newsletter is intended to provide an information update on important regulatory issues and developments of interest to those working in the printing inks, coatings and related products industry.
  • Selenella launches new recyclable paper packaging

    Selenella (Consorzio Patata Italiana di Qualità or High-Quality Italian Potato Consortium) has unveiled its first paper packaging for carrots. The design of the packaging and its constituent raw materials are a complete innovation for the sector.
  • Super Combi becomes “Compact”... and even more super

    Reduced footprint and 30% higher performance thanks to the new integrated filling technology EvoFILL HS Still: Sidel presents the “Compact” version of Super Combi, an all-in-one system for packaging mineral water. Competitive TCO and lower production costs per square meter.

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