
  • October 20th-22nd, Tokyo (J) Cosme Tokyo 2014

    Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd presents the third edition of this international beauty fair, the only one of the Japanese industry and gateway to the world’s second largest market for cosmetic products.
  • Objective: build consensus through innovation

    «Every journey begins with the exciting challenge of imagining what lies ahead».
    How is the relationship between brand and consumer changing? What factors are influencing the evolution of the paradigm in this sense? And what actions need to be taken in order to face a future that is looking to be radically different in terms of the development, production, distribution and communication a…
  • Grow and stay young… inside

    Marchesini Group is now 40 years old and celebrates by opening the gates of its Pianoro works. A showroom, a museum that tells the history of the company, routes that show the new organization of production and many, many machines. Numerous the visitors, including the 150 sector operators that came by plane during Interpack, and great optimism in the words of President Maurizio Marchesini:…
  • Weight control and traceability: new benchmarks

    At Interpack, MG2 presented a series of new machines for the pharmaceutical sector that set new precision and quality standards in the production of oral solids and in packaging.
  • Packaging, imagined and produced

    New paradigms People who think of people, who design a product capable of entering the life of each and anyone of us, and aboveall, capable of remaining there. The new frontier of the cosmetics market is “sharing”: the sharing of a dream - that illuminates many personal “I-worlds” - but also, first and foremost, the sharing of competency and culture, in order to multiply the potentialities that…
  • Added value packaging

    At this year’s Interpack, the RPC Group underlined its capabilities and expertise across a wide range of end markets, and its ability to deliver added value through innovative packaging solutions.
  • Packaging for cosmetics and perfumes

    PRODUCTION AND TRENDS Daily hygiene and personal wellness products are indispensable, even during a prolonged crisis. Indeed, the production output of the manufacturers belonging to Cosmetica Italia has grown by 2.6% during the last year, and although the trend shows a few contractions, high growth potential persists. Numbers, choices and trends in the use of packaging follows. Plinio Iascone
  • Faith has become a serious business

    In the cosmetics field too investments need to be made in the continuity of consumer relations in order to guarantee product success and distribution channels (source Accademia 33, May 2014).
  • The Dieline Summit

    The next Emballage (Paris, 17-20th November 2014) will feature the first French edition of  “The Dieline Summit - The Peak of Package Design”.
  • Information technology in make-up

    The case of Art Cosmetics, the Bergamo-based make-up creator that is growing at a rate of 30% each year: thanks to Overlog and Tecnest’s integrated software each and every workphase is now computerised, guaranteeing more control, safety and quality.
  • Speedy cosmo-pharma assembly

    An advanced rotational platform, an entirely mechanical movement, for assembling cosmetic and pharmaceutical packaging components, regarding medical devices and many other applications.
  • MakeUp in Paris - June 12th -13th, Paris

    The growing participation of exhibitors and visitors, the “density” and the quality of contents and the complicity of a prestigious location (the Carrousel of the Louvre) have supported the rapid success of MakeUp in Paris as a B2B encounter rigorously focussed on the make-up segment and dense with contents.
  • Cosmoprof North America 2014 - 13th–15th July, Las Vegas (USA)

    With over 900 exhibitors from 35 countries and more than 25 thousand visitors   expected from at least 100 countries around the world, the next edition of the event organized by SoGeCos-BolognaFiere Group announces itself to be rich in content and opportunities.
  • Marchesini Group. Beauty meets Packaging

    A World Fair (Interpack) and an Open Factory (Flat-Bologna, May 5th to 23rd) to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Marchesini Group, showcasing the solutions that have made the history of the company along with the new machines made with the most advanced Italian technology.
  • Automatic pyramids

    Scatolificio Cristina Srl has managed to automate the last stage of the production of transparent pyramidal packaging. This is an absolute first, that marries a recherché style shape to an industrial process, and thus enables cost and aboveall packaging assembly time reduction (all to the advantage of its customers).
  • Did you know that ...

    ... light can come in a spraycan? And what about the dispenser for explosives? And the compressed aerosol, the syphon for condiments, the dye applicator? The ADF Awards where technology, marketing and the imagination ran riot at the  latest  Oriex fair-conference.

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