
  • From the general to the specific

    An overview of the contents of the reports presented at the Economic Packaging Conference 2017, Venice, 7-8 June 2017
  • WATCH OUT: that’s the way the world is going!

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini. Interview with Bernd Jablonowski… Freely expressed considerations on the role, on the strategies in the international field and on the future of specialised fairs.
  • A ognuno il suo (mestiere)

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini.  What on earth makes me do it? This is the question that many, if not all, set themselves in an attempt to attribute sense to their own life experience.
  • Hats off

    The world of packaging continues, happily, to provide me with some wonderful surprises.
    Because, over and beyond considerations on technology and means of production, one can still continue to recount stories in which Man is the creator and not the artefact, the driver and protagonist of his own destiny.
    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
  • Workers’ recreational Club Nostalgia

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini.
    I look on. No pleasure in recognizing myself as different. None of that dangerous arrogance, that comes from that idea of feeling oneself  in someway a cut above the rest, only because one is capable of glibly observing a comedy, of which we are capable of intuiting both plot and purpose.
  • Free to dream… taking the hurt out of blood testing

    Outside soldiers, heavily armed police, bodyguards, Carabinieri trucks and armour-plated cars; inside, representatives of the national and regional government, pharmaceutical industry managers, press, guests of honour from the institutions and the world of manufacture, some famous names standing by, women and men of the organization busying themselves, everyone decked out elegantly and composed.…
  • Advances in the packaging industry

    ... having something of the marvellous, the true, the plausible and the sublime. Never before have I taken part in a scientific congress so rich and varied in its contents, as well as in terms of focussed participants.
    Stefano Lavorini
  • The Times They Are a-Changin’

    “In the wake of the huge success enjoyed by the last edition of IPACK-IMA, that took place last May, and with the change of hands of the share package of the company Ipack-Ima SpA, ceded by Centrexpo SpA to Fiera Milano SpA, Guido Corbella’s mandate as CEO draws to a close…”.
    Thus ran the communiqué that, July 16 2015, officialised what was already known by many. A few days before the event, we…
  • Creators rather than artifacts of their own destiny

    Doing the rounds, one hears a lot of fine talk, but the actual deeds done have been few. Not only in politics. It’s not always like that, obviously.
    I am witness to the fact that, in the world of packaging, women and men still act who “do not follow or succumb to the wind, but they create it”, rather, to use the words of Pope Francesco, people who, in their job, do not renounce on wondering…
  • Entrepreneurial biodiversity

    As clear as water. Mineral water obviously, if the vision is that of a Sardinian entrepreneur who has placed the specificity and the culture of his local territory as the fulcrum of growth and success. Mauro Solinas views the state of the art of the sector and tells us about Acqua Smeraldina. By Stefano Lavorini
  • Want it. Win it. Keep it…(1)

    […] A life is empty of meaning unless filled with a risky and soaring commitment. Of course there’s only one such type of commitment, and that is work. The other work, invisible work, is the work of the soul, the spirit, talent, whose creations transform the world, making it richer, more just, and more human […] .
    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
  • Businesses that do business

    Judgement day. It appears now that finally things are being called to account…. which means, speaking of Italy, the accounts obviously don’t balance up.
  • Perceiving the Seven Heavenly Palaces

    Editorial by Luciana Guidotti
    I have often gone back to HangarBicocca to take an even closer look at Kiefer’s “towers”. In a very remote suburb of Milan, the Hangar is a truly unique and spellbinding place that hosts art and ideas, and where one can still often breathe the beauty of intelligence. It is there in fact that for years exhibitions, installations, works of visual artists of…
  • Awareness is participating (2)

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
    «It’s a real pity. A host of ideas, plans and projects, a lot of effort, a lot of work and money… and then, despite all, end results that - to be sincere – we could at best define as not really up to the expectations and the quality of the contents…».
    With these words I opened the July/August editorial and, as promised, I will carry on with the question dedicating…
  • Awareness is participation (1)

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
    It’s a real pity. A host of ideas, plans and projects, a lot of effort, a lot of work and money… and then, despite all, end results that - to be sincere – we could at best define as not really up to the expectations and the quality of the contents. This in a nutshell is the common picture that best sums up undertakings and events very different from each other.…
  • Italians: reliable and proud

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
    These times it’s easy to be hyper critical about Italy, beset as it is by rifts that are difficult to heal and heavy contradictions. To say it outright, those who are pettily ironic about our private (and public) vices, have an easy time of it resorting to the many clichés that dog us.
  • To keep things simple

    Editorial by Stefano Lavorini
    Let’s value things. Hence, to start off the new year, let’s try and remember who we are.

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