Facts and data

  • A digital trap campaign for aerosol cans

    Apr 05, 2024
    Spray Sereno is the name of the communication project developed by Ricrea in partnership with AIA Federchimica, Cial and Anfima, which has surpassed 42 million impressions on TikTok and Instagram. The disposal of the cans now has no more secrets, also for youngsters.
  • Report on the status of packaging - December 2023

    Mar 13, 2024
    The quarterly monitoring report on the packaging supply chain: the updated situation at December 2023. General economic scenario and analysis of the manufacturing sector and consequent evolution of the packaging sector.
  • A good place to work

    Mar 07, 2024
    The Davines Group, leader in the field of professional cosmetics, and its vision of “regenerative sustainability”, adopted with an integrated and collaborative approach that combines individual and collective well-being with environmental and solidarity issues.
  • PPWR, agreement on the Regulation: the main points

    Mar 06, 2024
    Having completed the process that since the start of 2024 has involved the vote of the Trilogue, then the committee of representatives (COREPER) and, finally, on 19 March, approval by the ENVI Commission, the new version of the PPWR now continues its journey with plenary approval by the European Parliament and Council.
  • The Conai Ecodesign Competition is underway

    Mar 05, 2024
    The eleventh edition of Ecopack, the project dedicated to enterprises that have revised their packaging from a green perspective, is underway. Applications are open until 30 April, with 600,000 euros of prizes.
  • CONAI: Integrated Sustainability Report

    Mar 04, 2024
    The document drawn up by Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi (National Packaging Consortium) confirms the essential importance of data management and reporting with relation to sustainability.
  • The entrepreneur’s imprint

    Feb 28, 2024
    «…do well what had previously been done less well, and do for the first time what had previously been disregarded»*. This seems to be, in a nutshell, Nimax’s current underlying strategy. There’s much more to discover, however, in our interview with Nicola Montanari, in particular, regarding values and people.
  • Ucima joins Digital Industries World

    Feb 21, 2024
    The Community studying and working for the digital transition of the industrial sector has been expanded, thanks to the collaboration of a strategic department like that of automatic machine manufacturers.
  • Packaging: The Italian sector in figures

    Feb 21, 2024
    The data analysed by the Italian Packaging Institute’s research centre, published in the Packaging in Figures 2023 study (2022 data), describe a stable sector from a production point of view, with a growing turnover and encouraging forecasts in the short-term
  • Italy promotes online grocery

    Feb 14, 2024
    Italy is one of the countries showing a greater propensity to purchase grocery goods online. In 2023 the market recorded a jump of 7% against 2022, reaching a value exceeding 1.3 billion euros. The category showing the greatest growth is Pet Care (+25%).
  • Gipea: presentation of the Economic Monitoring Report 2023

    Feb 08, 2024
    A day dedicated to the analysis and presentation of the 12th edition of the Economic Report (“Osservatorio Economico”) gave participants an overview of national ad international economic trends, with a focus on the graphics, paper manufacturing and converting sector.
  • AI and Quantum Computing according to Cisco

    Feb 08, 2024
    Cisco reveals its vision of the future of cyber-security, putting forward proposals on the investments needed to protect data from unauthorised access, tampering or manipulation
  • Saudi Arabia-China strategic partnership

    Feb 05, 2024
    Kaust, a Saudi Arabian university and research centre, has decided to work closely with two Chinese companies, to produce green plastics for biomedical products and food packaging from high-molecular-mass aliphatic polycarbonates that favour certain aspects that have become essential for the environment, such as high biodegradability, low toxicity and excellent biocompatibility.
  • Pet food in Italy

    Jan 26, 2024
    Brief notes on the population and on the forms of food packaging for the approximately 65 million pets, guests of Italian families.

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